
Coxhead学术词汇表在学术论文中适用性研究——一项基于语料库的研究 被引量:2

The Applicability of Coxhead's Academic Word List in Academic Research Papers—A Corpus-based Research
摘要 本文基于自建700175词次学术论文语料库(Academic Paper Corpus,简称APC),借助语料库分析软件WordSmith Tools,从词汇的覆盖率、频率等角度分析研究Coxhead于2000年所推出的由570个词族①所组成的"学术词汇表"(Academic Word List,简称AWL)。结果表明,AWL词族在APC中覆盖率为10.9%,证实了Coxhead学术词汇表及其子表在学术英语教学领域的可行性。通过进一步对比AWL子表和AWL在APC中高频词及其常用搭配,发现各专业领域所侧重的学术词汇并不相同,而AWL子表的统一编排忽视了专业领域的差异。建议根据专业适当改进AWL子表编排,确定更适合的词汇教学顺序和词汇在教材中的频率。 This study is a corpus-based lexical study that aims to explore the use of Coxhead's(2000) Academic Word List(AWL) in the field of academic papers. A 700175-word corpus called the Academic Papers Corpus(APC) was created for this study. Results show that AWL words account for 10.9% of the entire APC, thus confirm the suitability of AWL in the field of academic English teaching. By further investigation, we found that various academic areas have emphasis on different academic vocabularies, while AWL sub lists ignore the differences among academic areas. We recommend appropriate improvements of AWL sub lists based on academic areas, so as to determine the more appropriate word order in academic word teaching and vocabulary frequency in the textbook.
作者 汪雅君
出处 《疯狂英语(教师版)》 2014年第1期128-133,200,共6页
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