
螺旋缝埋弧焊管“噘嘴”缺陷测量方法探讨 被引量:6

Discussion on Measurement Method for Peaking Defect of SAWH Pipe
摘要 介绍了测量螺旋缝埋弧焊管"噘嘴"缺陷的两种方法——垂直轴线测量法和平行轴线测量法,分析了以这两种方法为基准的传统测量工具的不足,并改进设计了相应的测量工具。改进后的测量工具将原有定性检测改进为定量检测,提高了测量精度,满足了高标准管线钢管"噘嘴"缺陷测量的需要;与垂直轴线测量工具比较,平行轴线测量工具操作更方便,适用性更强。 Elaborated in the essay are the two methods for measuring peaking defect of the SAWH pipe, i.e., the vertical axis measurement method and the parallel axis measurement method. The shortcomings of the conventional measurement tools based on these two processes are analyzed, and accordingly, modifications thereof are made. With the modified measurement tools, the conventional qualitative detection has been turned into a quantitative one. As a result, the inspection accuracy has been improved so as to meet the need for detecting peaking defect of the high-standard linepipes. And compared with the vertical axis inspection tools, those for the parallel axis process are more convenient for operation, and more applicable as well.
出处 《钢管》 CAS 2014年第1期54-58,共5页 Steel Pipe
关键词 螺旋缝埋弧焊钢管 “噘嘴”缺陷 测量方法 垂直轴线测量法 平行轴线测量法 测量工具 SAWH pipe peaking defect measurement method vertical axis measurement method parallelaxis measurement method measurement tools
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