

Effect of formation depth on electrical property of LiFePO_4 power battery
摘要 以LiFePO4作为正极材料,石墨作为负极材料,组装额定容量为10 Ah的LiFePO4动力电池,研究了化成深度对电池电性能的影响。结果表明,化成深度对老化前电池的电性能有较大的影响,化成深度越深老化前电池的内阻越小,分容容量和分容平均电压越高,分容后开路电压越大。电池经过老化后,化成深度达到60%以上额定容量的各组电池其放电容量、内阻、自放电率以及循环寿命等电性能受化成深度的影响较小,而化成深度为40%额定容量的电池其相应电性能明显劣于深度化成的电池电性能。 The effect of formation depth on the electrical properties of power battery was studied, with LiFePO4 as anode material, graphite as cathode material, and nominal capacity of 10Ah. The results indicate that the properties of battery before ageing is greatly influenced by the formation depth. With higher formation depth, the resistance became smaller, along with higher capacity, discharge average voltage, and open circle voltage after grading. After aging, the battery properties of the discharge capacity, resistance, self-discharge rate, and cycle endurance were less affected by the formation depth with over 60% formation capacity, while the electrical property of the battery with 40% formation capacity was lower.
出处 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期225-228,共4页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
关键词 LiFePO4动力电池 化成深度 电性能 LiFePO4 power battery formation depth electrical properly
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