为研究350 MW超临界热电联产四角切圆煤粉锅炉的炉内燃烧问题,基于Fluent6.3模拟软件,分析了炉内的温度和组分分布特性.结果表明:BMCR工况下温度在炉膛燃烧器区横截面上,低温区出现在炉膛中心,在炉壁附近出现局部高温.在炉膛中心纵截面,沿高度、温度呈先上升后下降分布,出口温度为1 138.11 K;炉内O2组分沿高度上升,CO组分先上升后下降,CO2组分先下降后上升.研究结果为超临界锅炉运行监测提供了可靠的理论依据.
The combustion characteristics in the furnace of 350MW supercritical combined heat and power generation tangentially boiler were numerically simulated by Fluent6.3. The temperature field and species fields were studied. The results indicate that on the cross section of the burner area in the furnace, the low temperature zone appears in the furnace's center region of the cross section under the BMCR working condition, and the local high temperature happens near the furnace wall under the BMCR working condition. In the center longitudinal cross section of the furnace, the center temperature firstly increases with the furnace elevation increase, and then decreases. And the temperature is 1138K at the furnace outlet. The mass fraction of O2 increases with the furnace elevation increase. With increase of the furnace elevation, the mass fraction of CO firstly increases with the furnace elevation, and then decreases. Instead, the mass fraction of CO2 firstly decreases, and then increases. These results provide reliable theory basis for the engineering design and operational monitoring of supercritical pressure boilers.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science)