采用单片集成电路电极式料位检测器检测料仓料位,将检测信号及设备运行信号输入 PC.根据现场设备运行状况,以及料仓料位和卸料车漏斗堵塞情况,适时启停卸料车。当设备异常或检测装置发出事故信号时,PC 按程序进行异常事故显示、报警和处理.
A electrode level gage with single unit integrated circuit is used to detect the material level in the storehouse.The signals from detector and the operation condition of conveyer are entered into PC.The unloading car will alternatively stop and start against the operation condition of the conveyer,material level in the storehouse and blockage of the hopper.PC will give a unusual accident display,alarming and treatment as programmed in case that the conveyer is out of normal order or any accident occurs in the detecting system.