

A Clustering Algorithm of Cluster Head Selection in Wireless Sensor Network
摘要 在无线传感网络中,传感器节点要定期向基站发送收集的数据。为了支持数据汇总,通过高效的网络组织将节点划分成若干簇。在这种类型的系统中,随着簇头的轮转,每个簇中的簇头选择方法是最具有挑战性的问题,有效的簇头选择算法可以提高网络的续航时间,并减少在WSN中的节点之间的通信开销。提出一个簇内民主方式选举算法来选择簇中的节点作为簇头,用MatLab对算法进行仿真,证明该算法的性能可以有效改善网络的性能。 In wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes send the collected data to the base station periodically. To support data collection, nodes can be divided into several clusters through efficient network. In this type of system, with the cluster head rotation, challenging problem is cluster head selection method in each cluster to improve the life of the network, and reduces the communication overhead between the nodes in the WSN. Proposes a clustering algorithm democratic algorithm of election to choose a network node as the cluster head, the algorithm uses MatLab simulation proved that the performance of the algorithm can effectively improve network performance.
作者 张翠 杨志清
出处 《现代计算机》 2014年第1期15-19,共5页 Modern Computer
关键词 簇头选择 网络续航时间 LEACH WSN LEACH Cluster Head Selection Network Life Time WSN
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