
个人特征、社交网络信息分享态度和分享行为——一项基于人人网的研究 被引量:13

Personal Characteristics, SNS Information Sharing Attitude and Information Sharing Behavior—— An Evidence From Ren-Ren
摘要 本研究检验了自尊和利他主义在SNS用户的内容分享态度与内容分享行为之间关系中的调节作用。研究根据人人网上信息的不同类型,把内容分享态度和内容分享行为分成了4类:工具型、思想型、消遣型和情感型。研究调查了来自于人人网的231名用户。实证研究的结果表明自尊对于工具型、思想型分享态度和分享行为之间的关系具有调节作用,利他主义对于思想型分享态度和分享行为之间的关系具有调节作用。研究的结果对于维护人人网的网络环境和基于人人网的营销实践都具有重要意义。 This study examined the role of self- esteem and altruism in the relationship between SNS information sharing at- titude and information sharing behavior. According to the different types of information in Ren- Ren, it divided the information sharing attitude and behavior into four categories, including knowledge, thoughts, entertainment and emotions. The data was from 231 users of Ren- Ren and result suggested self- esteem could moderate the relationship between SNS information sharing at- titude and information sharing behavior in the first two types of information while altruism could act as moderators only in the second type, i.e., thoughts. The result had signifieant implications for SNS- based marketing.
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2014年第1期159-166,共8页 Journal of Modern Information
关键词 自尊 利他主义 内容分享 态度 行为 个人特征 社交网络 人人网 self-esteem altruism information sharing attitude behavior personal characteristics social network /E^I'I- I'~l'l
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