
纳米粒子包裹的他汀类药物在心血管疾病应用的研究进展 被引量:6

Progress of Nanoparticle-mediated Delivery of Pitavastatin in Cardiovascular Disease
摘要 动脉粥样硬化是威胁人类生命健康最严重的疾病之一,占死亡原因的首位。动脉粥样硬化斑块一旦形成很难逆转。一种新型的药物转运系统是通过纳米粒实现的,它是生物可降解的无毒害作用的多聚物,能改变其包裹在内的药物在体内的药动学特征,增加药物在靶器官的分布量及持续时间,从而提高疗效,减轻不良反应。匹伐他汀纳米粒在缺血组织的血管新生及肺动脉高压防治的研究中已显示了巨大优势,表现为靶向定位、高效持久,并发现匹伐他汀纳米粒小剂量单次用药的效果是长期大剂量匹伐他汀的100倍甚至300倍。但尚无纳米粒他汀对动脉粥样硬化作用的研究。这一新剂型药物的的出现将为寻求药物逆转动脉粥样硬化斑块的新剂型靶向治疗药物提供方向及依据。 Atherosclerotie is one of the most dangerous threats to human health, and occupy first place in cause of death. It is difficult to reverse the formed atheroscleotie plaque. A novel drug delivery system is achieved by nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery system, and nanoparticle is a biodegradable copolymer which can change the drugs in vivo pharmcokinetic profile and increase the distribution of drug in target organ. Therefore, nanopartiele durable can improve drug efficacy and reduce the side effects. Pitavastatins-nanoparticle which alia played targeted positioning and efficient durable have shown significant advantages in experimental studies of angiogenesis in ischemic tissue and prevention and treatment of pulmonary hypertension. Those studies confirmed that pitavastatins-nanoparticle seems to he as effective at 100 -300 times signal lower dose than the cumulative systemic large dose of pitavastatin. However, there are no researches on the role of st atins-nanoparticle on atherosclerotic plaque. The novel form of statins will provide direction and experimental basis for targeted therapy of atherosclerotie plaques.
出处 《心血管病学进展》 CAS 2014年第1期28-31,共4页 Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases
基金 心肌缺血省部共建教育部重点实验室(KF201306)
关键词 动脉粥样硬化 纳米粒子 他汀 atherosclerotic nanoparticle statin
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