Atherosclerotie is one of the most dangerous threats to human health, and occupy first place in cause of death. It is difficult to reverse the formed atheroscleotie plaque. A novel drug delivery system is achieved by nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery system, and nanoparticle is a biodegradable copolymer which can change the drugs in vivo pharmcokinetic profile and increase the distribution of drug in target organ. Therefore, nanopartiele durable can improve drug efficacy and reduce the side effects. Pitavastatins-nanoparticle which alia played targeted positioning and efficient durable have shown significant advantages in experimental studies of angiogenesis in ischemic tissue and prevention and treatment of pulmonary hypertension. Those studies confirmed that pitavastatins-nanoparticle seems to he as effective at 100 -300 times signal lower dose than the cumulative systemic large dose of pitavastatin. However, there are no researches on the role of st atins-nanoparticle on atherosclerotic plaque. The novel form of statins will provide direction and experimental basis for targeted therapy of atherosclerotie plaques.
Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases