The experiment was ca rried out to st udy the effects of different fertilization ratio of N ,P and K on related enzyme activities of sugar accumulation in Huocheng county .Xinjiang by using twice regression orthogonal design for fertilization test, the field fertilization experiment had been done in apple growth periodvatnylase activities, saccharose synz yrn e activities, saccharose phosphoic acid synz ym e activities were det erm ened , and the relations bet ween different fertilization t rea t merits and related synz yrn e activities of fruit sugar accumulation were analyzed. The results showed that activity of amylase in the process of fruit development overall were downward trend. In young fruit period, the maltose maximum was 8.38 mg/g, and in the color phase, the maltose minimum was 0.04 mg/ g. The activity of sucrose synthase showed a trend of sharp rise in general, it was not checked out in young fruit period; during the ripening period, it rea ched the rna xi m urn value of 61. 78 mg/ ( g · L); and in coloring period it was the turning point of the sharp increase. The acti vi ty of sucrose phosphate synthase was slowly rising trend overall, and the increase was not big, in young fruit period like sucrose synthetase was not checked out, during the ripening, it reached the maximum value of 3 . 6 6 rng / (g · L). Through model analysis, the economic goals of sucrose activities synthase activity of the matured Red Fuji apple, the best combination of various factors are as follows: Sucrose synthase was 184.445 mg/(g · L) ,and N application rate of 1.3090 kg/plant.The order of various factors affecting sucrose Synzym e activities are as follows:K〉P〉N,N and P,N and K were negative int eraction , P and K were positi vely int eraction.
Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University