美国诺威力铝业公司成立于2004年,专门生产通用铝板带箔(不生产2XXX和7XXX系合金),2012年平轧产品的生产能力约4 500k/a。该公司在板带生产方面已形成一条绿色、循环、低碳、可持续发展的完整高效产业链,特别是在罐身料生产领域。2011年全公司再生铝用量达2100kt,计划2020年生产的平轧产品用的废料要达到80%,而罐料则100%用废旧易拉罐生产。该公司的另一成就是研制成功了一种制罐用的单一合金,并且全是用废料生产的。
Founded in 2004, US Novelis focuses on the general rolled aluminum production and its capacity for FRPs was about 4 500kt/a in 2012. Novelis has formed a complete and efficient chain in the sheet strip production, esp. in the can body stock production. In 2011 the secondary aluminum consumption amounted to 2100kt; by 2020 80% of the consumption will be for FRPs, while 100% of the can body stock will be from aluminum scrap. Developing the single alloy for can body making, which is all produced from the scrap, is another achievement of the company.
Nonferrous Metals Processing