
基于对比度增强的彩色图像边缘检测算法 被引量:3

An Edge Detection Algorithm of Color Image Based on Contrast Enhancement
摘要 在分析彩色图像边缘的灰度化和漏检问题的基础上,设计了分解基于分量相关的颜色模型的彩色图像得到的颜色分量进行颜色对比度增强的算法。提出了以该算法为基础的彩色图像边缘检测的改进方法,即对增强后的各分量应用梯度算子检测其分量边缘,最后合成为彩色图像边缘。实验结果表明,文中提出的改进方法,能够检测出图像的彩色边缘,具有检测出的图像边缘细节较完整的优点;又由于该方法是基于像素点处理的检测方法,故不必进行颜色模型的转换,具有方法简单、算法复杂度低的优点。 Based on analyzing the problem of the gray edge and leaving out some edges during detecting the color edges, the color contrast enhancement algorithm is designed that decomposes the interrelated color component of the color images on the color model. And the edge detection improved method is proposed based on the above algorithm. Namely, the components edges are computed by the gradient operations after the components are enhanced and the color image edges are composed. The results show that the color edges are detected through the proposed method and the algorithm has the advantage of keeping the more edge details than the other ways. Because the algorithm is the operation based on any pixel, needn't change one color model to the other color model, it is simple and the algorithm complication is low.
作者 王建卫
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2014年第2期79-83,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 黑龙江省教育科学技术研究项目(12521101)
关键词 彩色图像 颜色模型 对比度增强 边缘检测 color image color model contrast enhancement edge detection
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