
先进焦平面与光谱成像技术现状 被引量:5

Status of Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Spectral Imaging Technology
摘要 深入分析先进的焦平面技术和光谱成像技术的发展趋势,为探测器及光谱成像仪的研究提供参考。对光谱成像技术的现状和发展趋势、焦平面技术、先进焦平面技术对光谱成像系统技术的推动作用三个方面进行详细的分析总结,认为焦平面技术向着高性能、大规模面阵规格、高灵敏度、宽谱响应的方向发展;并推动光谱成像系统向着高分辨率、宽幅、多波段、更短重访周期和简化系统方向发展。成像光谱仪的发展趋势和需求指明焦平面技术的发展方向,同时焦平面技术的发展也会引领成像光谱仪系统进步和革新。 The tendency of advance focal plane arrays and spectral imaging technology are analyzed. A reference to the future study on detector and imaging spectrometer is provided. The status of the spectral imaging technology is summarized. Cur- rent and future trends in the focal plane arrays technology are presented. Advanced focal plane arrays technology motivates spectral imaging technology. Focal plane arrays will realize higher performance, larger format, higher sensitivity and wider spectral range in the future. Higher spatial resolution, wider spectral range, shorter revisit time and system simplifying will be expected for spectral imaging system. The progress of imaging spectrometer determines the direction of FPA developing. In the meantime, the development of FPA triggers improvement and innovation in spectral imaging system.
出处 《光学与光电技术》 2014年第1期7-13,共7页 Optics & Optoelectronic Technology
关键词 高光谱 多光谱 宽波段 焦平面 成像光谱仪 hyperspectral multispectral wide spectral range focal plane array imaging spectrometer
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