肥胖已经成为一种社会现象 ,其发病过程复杂 ,危害严重。近年来的研究表明 ,肥胖是一种由食欲和能量调节紊乱引起的疾病 ,与遗传、环境、膳食结构等多种因素有关 ,其中基因是主要的决定因素。肥胖与Ⅱ型糖尿病、心血管疾病、某些肿瘤等有明确的关系。目前对肥胖的治疗尚处于探索时期 ,1994年发现的苗条素 (leptin)仍然是争论的一大焦点。本文综合介绍了肥胖的流行、病因、危害与治疗 ,并对苗条素进行了比较详细的介绍 ,以帮助读者了解肥胖的概貌。
Obesity has been rising as a common social phenomenon. Recent research has convinced us that rather than a cosmetic problem, obesity should be considered as a real disease which is a complex disorder of appetite regulation and energy metabolism. Actually, obesity is caused by many factors such as heredity, environment and food contents, among which hereditary gene seems to work as a key element. Induced and followed by complicated factors, obesity is particularly associated with diabetes mellitus Ⅱ, coronary heart disease, certain forms of cancer and so on. At present, the access to treat obesity is still in its early stage and the function of leptin identified in 1994 is also the focus of debate. This review provides a comprehensive insight into the epidemics, etiology, healthy problems, treatment strategies of obesity, and leptin as well, attempting to develope an outline of obesity research.
Progress in Physiological Sciences