
转基因作物热点问题之见解 被引量:3

Views on the Current Hot Issues of GM Crop
摘要 转基因作物种植面积不断增加,全球权威机构和主流科学界对转基因食品的安全性已是共识。miRNA可能的跨界信息交流的科学发现,使人们联想到其对转基因食品安全性的可能影响,而目前的安全性评价方法对此仍然是有效的。湖南黄金大米事件说明了加强监管和程序正义的重要性。虽然不必担忧在安全范围内放宽草甘膦残留量的标准,但是不可单一地依赖和滥用。第2代转基因作物将会变得更易于消费者接受。转基因技术是发展中国家能够赶超世界科技前沿的一个难得的机遇,不容错过。 The planting area of transgenic crops across the world is continuously increasing, the safety of transgenic food has become the consensus of authoritative institutions and mainstream scientific community, miRNA possible cross- border information exchange scientific discoveries, to make people think of their potential impact on the safety of geneti- cally modified foods, but the current security evaluation method for this is still valid. The incident of golden rice in Hu- nan illustrates the importance of strengthening supervision and procedural justice. It is not necessary to worry about re- laxing the standard of glyphosate residues within safe range, however, single dependence and abuse are not allowed. The second generation of transgenic crops will be more easily accepted by consumers. Transgenic technology is an important opportunity for developing countries to catch up with advanced technology of the world, which is not to be missed.
作者 罗云波
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期1-5,共5页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
关键词 转基因作物 安全性 MIRNA 黄金大米 草甘膦 transgenic crops safety miRNA gold mice glyphosate residues
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