
海洋动物中具重复序列硫酸多糖的抗凝血活性构效机理研究进展 被引量:3

Structure-Function Relationship of Anticoagulant of Well-Defined Sulfated Polysaccharide from Marine Animals
摘要 海洋蕴藏丰富的生物资源,利用海洋生物资源研究和开发海洋功能食品已成为食品业的热点。硫酸多糖是海洋功能食品中的重要功能因子,具有抗凝血、抗血栓、抗病毒,抗肿瘤转移,抗血管生成,消除炎症等功能。这些聚阴离子的多糖能够与一些阳离子蛋白,如凝血因子相互作用,从而实现其生物学功能。这些分子间相互作用不仅取决于多糖中负电荷密度,而且受其异头构型,优势构象,单糖组成,糖苷键类型和硫酸基取代方式等因素的影响。海洋藻类多糖结构复杂,支链取代和硫酸基取代方式杂乱,为保健食品的开发和功能药物的质量控制带来困难。相比于植物多糖,海洋动物多糖具有重复序列,结构相对简单,且作用靶点相对明确,便于构效机理研究,应用中易实现质量控制,具有良好的产业前景。本文综述了目前研究较多的海参、海胆、海鞘等海洋动物中硫酸多糖的结构及其抗凝血的机理、构效关系,为进一步的产品开发提供理论依据。 Because of abundant nature sources in ocean, marine biological resources are becoming a hot spot of the food industry to research and develop marine functional food. Sulfated polysaceharides exhibit potential pharmacological actions in mammalian systems such as anticoagulant, antithrombotic, antiviral, antimetastatic, an-tiangiogenic and antiin- flammatory activities. These highly anionic polysaccharides are capable of interacting with certain cationic proteins, such as(co)-factors of the coagulation cascade during clotting-inhibition process. However, through a systematic comparison, it was proved that those molecular interactions are essentially regulated by the conjunction of anomeric configurations, con- formational preferences, sugar types, glycosylation, and sulfation sites, rather thanjust a mere consequence of the elec- tronegative density. Marine algal sulfated polysaccharides have complex, heterogeneous structures and their repeating se- quences are not easily deduce, which make it difficult for the development of health food and quality control of func- tional drug. In contrast with most algal sulfated polysaceharides, the marine invertebrate polysaccharides exhibit highly regular chemical structures, which make it easier to correlate their biological functions to their respective structural fea- tures. Thus easy to implement quality control in the application with a potential industrial prospects. Combined with per- sonal research progress, we will focus this review on the structure, anticoagulant mechanism and the structure-function relationship of marine sulfated polysaccharides from sea cucumber, sea urchins and sea squirt. Provide a theoretical basis for the further development of the product.
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期116-123,共8页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31171784) 浙江省公益技术研究农业项目(2011C22026)
关键词 海洋硫酸多糖 硫酸软骨素 岩藻聚糖硫酸酯 半乳聚糖硫酸酯 抗凝血活性 marine sulfated polysaccharide chondroitin sulfate sulfated fucan sulfated galactan anticoagulant activities
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