
丘陵山区农村居民点利用及其复垦技术集成 被引量:8

Study on Rural Residential Land Use and Integrated Techniques of Rural Constructive Land Reclamation in Hilly and Mountainous Regions
摘要 选取重庆市5个国土整治整村推进示范村项目为案例,研究了丘陵山区农村居民点的利用特征和相关复垦技术,结果发现:案例村农村居民点人均用地水平表现相对集约,格局上,从丘陵到山地由小聚居向大分散过渡,并随海拔上升呈现数量和面积明显减少趋势.通过土地复垦技术、地力提升技术、基础设施配套技术、乡村景观建设技术及农业产业结构调整技术的集成,整村推进优化了案例村农村居民点景观系统,并在村域农业产业培育中,推动了丘陵山区农村经济发展,加快了山区土地利用转型和生态恢复.研究认为,丘陵山区以整村推进为平台开展农村建设用地复垦,尊重地块空间异质性,发展农业生物多样化,优化村域土地利用,改造了自然村落的弊端,实现了乡村景观重塑,给当地创造了发展契机. In China,rural constructive land reclamation has attracted wide attention and concern as the contradictions of rural-urban land use have become increasingly evident.Taking five projects of whole village land promotion in Chongqing as cases,this paper examines the characteristics of rural residential land use and the techniques of rural constructive land reclamation in hilly and mountainous regions.The results of an analysis of the general statistical data and the survey data show that per capita area of rural residential land use in the five villages is comparatively intensive and its spatial distribution varies from small settlements of hills to large dispersion of mountains in the horizontal line,and the area and number of the rural settlements exhibit a significant reduction trend from low to high elevation.In the whole village land promotion,with integration of 5types of techniques(land reclamation techniques,land capacity improvement techniques,infrastructure complement techniques,rural landscape enhancement techniques,and agricultural industry structural adjustment techniques),rural constructive land reclamation not only optimizes the landscape system of the study villages,making the rural settlements transform from a spontaneous and scattered distribution to a clustering and more orderly distribution,but also speeds up rural economic development,land-use transformation and ecological restoration.It is concluded that in the process of industrialization and urbanization,it is difficult to benefit the local residents if rural constructive land reclamation is just aimed to reduce land occupation and increase arable land.As a key way of rural residential land consolidation,the whole village promotion takes into consideration the spatial heterogeneity of land,develops the biological diversity of agriculture and optimizes land use on the scale of village.It cures the drawbacks of natural villages,reshapes the rural landscape,and creates more opportunities for local development.
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期88-96,共9页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2013BAJ11B02)
关键词 丘陵山区 农村居民点利用 农村建设用地复垦 技术集成 整村推进 重庆 hilly or mountainous region rural residential land use rural constructive land reclamation technology integration the whole village promotion Chongqing
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