Wangchengpo station on line 2 of Changsha Metro is built before the Grand Hexi Transportation Center Project is planned. The Grand Hexi Transportation Center Project is to be integrated with No. 2 ventilation passage and No. 3 entrance/exit passage of Wangchengpo Metro station. Therefore, protection measures should be taken for No. :2 ventilation passage and No. 3 entrance/exit passage of Wangchengpo Metro station before the construction of the Grand Hexi Transportation Center Project is started. The execution of the protection measures for the ancillary structures is simulated by means of FE analysis program ANSYS, so as to study the rationality of the protection measures. The surrounding displacement and internal forces of the ancillary structures of the Metro works before and after taking protection measures are analyzed and it is dete^nined that connection beams should be installed along the top of the retaining piles to transform the retaining piles, entrance/exit passage and ventilation passage into an integral structure, so as to improve the integrality of the ancillary structures of the Metro station. Conclusion is drawn that the protection shouht be focused on the entrance/exit passage structure and that, due to the separation effect of the retaining piles, the ventilation passage needs no protection measures.
Tunnel Construction
Changsha Metro
Wangchengpo Metro station
ancillary structure
foundation pit
protection measure
numerical analysis