
海藻酸盐基吸附剂的制备及其对铀吸附性能研究 被引量:2

Synthesis and uranium adsorption behavior of alginate-based adsorbents
摘要 采用反相悬浮聚合法制备海藻酸盐交联微球,考察了溶液浓度及搅拌速度对海藻酸盐微球成球的影响;借助化学改性手段合成以海藻酸盐为骨架的胺基生物高分子吸附剂,利用红外光谱、胺基含量测定等方法表征了聚合物的结构;进行了该生物高分子吸附剂对铀吸附性能的研究.试验结果表明:当海藻酸钠溶液质量分数为3%~4%、搅拌速度在250~300 r/min时,合成出的海藻酸盐交联微球的形状规整,机械强度较好;三乙烯四胺改性海藻酸盐基吸附剂对低浓度溶液中铀的去除率大于92%.所合成的生物高分子吸附剂有望用于处理铀水冶工艺的含铀废水. The crosslinked microspheres of alginate were synthesized by inverse suspension polymerization,and the effect of the concentration of sodium alginate solution and stirring speed on the formation of microsphere was studied.Biopolymeric adsorbents with amidocyanogen were synthesized based on alginate polymeric matrixes by chemical modification.The adsorbents were characterized by FTIR and determination of ammonio content.When the concentration of sodium alginate solution was 3%-4% and stirring speed was 250-300 r/min,the crosslinked microsphere had regular morphology and high mechanical strength.Uranium can be removed effectively from low concentration uranium solutions by the alginate-based adsorbent (SATT) modified with triethylenetetreamine,and the removal rate was more than 92%.The adsorbent was expected to use for wastewater treatment in uranium hydrometallurgy.
出处 《铀矿冶》 CAS 2014年第1期21-25,30,共6页 Uranium Mining and Metallurgy
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目(51104061)
关键词 海藻酸钠 反相悬浮聚合 化学改性 吸附 sodium alginate inverse suspension polymerization chemical modification uranium adsorption
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