目的探讨一种简单、准确测定酸枣叶茶中芦丁含量的HPLC法,并对崂山酸枣叶茶中芦丁的含量及其利用率进行了初步研究。方法在优化获得的最佳色谱分离条件下(选用高碳载量反相C18柱,特定比例乙腈-水为流动相),实现酸枣叶茶中芦丁及其异构体的基线分离。结果方法的线性范围为0.02μg^5.00μg,检测限达6.6 ng,能满足实际样品的检测要求。五个崂山酸枣叶茶样品中芦丁的含量在11.3 mg/g^17.9 mg/g范围内,表明崂山酸枣叶茶中芦丁含量较高;崂山酸枣叶茶用热水冲泡2~3次,芦丁的浸出率高达60%~70%,饮用2.0 g酸枣叶茶所摄取的芦丁即相当于服用1.2片复方芦丁片。结论饮用酸枣叶茶而摄入的芦丁量较高,对人体的多种保健作用不能忽略。
In this study, a simple and accurate high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed to deter- minate the content of turin in Ziziphus jujube leaf tea. Moreover, a preliminary research about determination of the content and uti- lization rate of rutin in Ziziphus jujube leaf tea from Laoshan had been done. The baseline separation of rutin and its isomeride which existed in Ziziphus jujube leaves was achieved under the optimized chromatographic separation conditions (A C18 reversed - phase column with high loading amount of carbon was chosen and a specific proportion of acetonitrile - water was selected as mo- bile phase). The linear range of this method was 0.02 g -5.00 txg, and the detection limit was 6.6 ng, which could meet the requirement of determination for the practical samples. The content of rutin in five samples of Laoshan Ziziphus jujube leaf tea was in the range of 11.3 mg/g - 17.9 mg/g, which showed that Laoshan Ziziphus jujube leaf tea had high amount of rutin. The extrac- tion rate of turin in Laoshan Ziziphus jujube leaf tea was up to 60% 70% when brewing 2 - 3 times using water. The intake of rutin by drinking 2.0 g tea was the same as taking 1.2 tablets of pharmaceutical preparations of compound rutin tablets, which il- lustrated that through drinking Ziziphus jujube leaf tea people can get large amount of rutin and many hygienical functions of this tea can not be neglected.
Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research