随着第三代移动通信标准的日趋成熟,其产品预计可在2004年前后投入商用。本文在分析市场需求、技术发展现状和保护已有设备投资的基础上,从保证我国移动通信产业、运营商和移动用户利益出发提出;第一步,在IMT-2000核心网成熟之前,采用现有的GSM/GPRS核心网,通过A和Gb接口提供话音和数据业务;空中接口采用频谱利用率高、符合IMT2000要求的TD-SCDMA技术,以满足高话务量区域的需求。第二步,采用成熟的IMT-2000核心网(Release 2000)、IMT 2000 FDD和TD-SCDMA无线传输技术,逐步形成第三代移动通信系统。
As the 3G mobile communications standard comes to a head, the 3G products are expected to be put into commercial application around 2004. After analyzing the market demands, state of the arts, and protection of the existing investment, and in order to ensure the interests of the mobile communication industry, operators and mobile users, it is proposed that prior to a mature IMT - 2000 core network the existing GSM/ GPRS core network is adopted as the first step to provide voice and data services via A and Gb interfaces; the air interface is to be implemented with the IMT - 2000 - compliant TD - SCDMA technology with high spectrum utilization to meet the demands of high traffic regions. At the second step, the 3G mobile communication system will be gradually implemented by adopting the well - proven IMT - 2000 core networks (Release 2000) as well as the IMT 2000 FDD and TD - SCDMA radio transmission technology.
World Telecommunications