Abstract :Objective Retrospective investigation on a variety of acute toxic disease epidemiology,analyze its characteris- tics, in order to better improve the control and treatment of poisoning. Methods The clinical analysis of age, gender, oc- cupation, route poisoning, poison species, poisoning law, poisoning complicated by MOF and prognosis in the patients with acute poisoning admitted to the ward was conducted. Results 375 cases of acute poisoning patients with more women than men( 1.53: 1 ) ;maximum age of 20 -49 years old (66.4%) ;occupational distribution to farmers up to(92.53 % ) , followed by urban residents(4.53% ) ,workers(2.13% ) ,students(0.81% ) ;oral suicide was the main reason for the in- gestion or skin contact with a small number of poisoning;toxic species dominated by pesticides,paraquat,organic phos- phorus and other toxic herbicides tired of the top three;seasonal incidence of up to 6th,Tth,Sth and 9th month of a year; including 71 cases occurred MOF ( 18.93% ) ;MOF' s primary disease: mainly for paraquat poisoning (70.42%) , fol- lowed by organophosphate poisoning( 15.49% ) ;with 375 cases of acute poisoning cured 191 cases(50.93% ) ,improved in 117 cases ( 31.2% ), healed in 35 cases ( 9.33 % ), 32 patients died ( 8.53 % ) ; chi-square test different types of toxic poisoning mortality rates were significantly different( P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion The general public should pay attention to mental health and preventive health education, the establishment of the green channel of Poisoning, and improvement vari- ous poisoning treatment program.
Chinese Journal of General Practice