
《艽野尘梦》:1909年川军入藏的历史心性及社会诗学研究 被引量:1

A Romance in Tibet: Research on“Historicity”and “Ethno-poetics”Reflected in the Expedition of the Sichuan Army into Tibet
摘要 1909年,川军钟颖部自康藏,沿昌都进入西藏工布地区。湘人陈渠珍任管带一职,参与大小战事数起。1911年,川军入藏部队发生哗变。陈渠珍率湘中子弟一百十五人东归。历经艰险困苦,仅七人生还。1936年,"湘西王"陈渠珍以笔记体的方式将此次传奇经历进行介绍。与众多关于历史转折时期"宏大叙述"不同,《艽野尘梦》通过历史主角的微观视角,介绍了特定时期的历史参与者间不同的国家/地方观,以及在静态事件背后的动态过程。《艽野尘梦》及任乃强先生校注通过道路行程中主观体验,对于不同区域的风土人情与社会文化进行生动细致介绍。这些都将加深我们对于中国西南民族"历史心性"塑造过程的认识,及其繁扰纷争之外超越性"民族诗学"的最终体验。 In 1909, the Sichuan army led by Zhongying entered into the Gongbu area of Tibet. The battalion commander, Cheng' quzheng involved in many battles at that time. In 1911, there was a coup d' etat occurred in the army. Cheng was forced to return back to inland area of China followed 115 soldiers. They went through such a hardship on their way home and ended up with only seven survivors. In 1936, Cheng wrote about this particular expedition in great detail in his diary. Through perspective of a historical character, in A Romance in Tibet, Cheng introduces different viewpoints of various parties involved in this particular period in history. Both A Ro mance in Tibet and notes added by Mr. Ren Naiqiang not only describe their experiences on the way back, but al so provided vivid description of local culture and historical events. This will help us to deepen our understanding about the "historicity" among the ethnic groups in Southwest China, and also the metaphor of the "etbnopoet ics" beyond all the differences.
作者 杨公卫
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第6期79-83,94,共6页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2012年度国家社会科学基金项目"西藏城镇化发展制约条件下失地农牧民就业安置特点研究"(项目号:12XMZ029) 2012年度教育部人文社会科学研究西部和边疆地区项目"西藏一江两河流域小城镇建设与农牧民市场化转移研究"(项目号:12XJC850005) 西南民族大学2013年度教育厅创新团队"康藏历史文化与社会发展研究"(项目号:13TD0060)阶段性成果
关键词 艽野尘梦 川军入藏 历史心性 社会诗学 The Dream in the Highland (Jiaoyechengmeng) Sichuan Army' s March into Tibet Historicity So-cial Poetics
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