长江水量丰富,年入海总量约9 600 亿m3 ;黄河流域水量贫乏。长江上游年径流量( 宜昌站) 达4 000 亿m 3,为黄河年径流量500 亿m3 的8 倍。黄河和长江蕴藏着丰富的水力资源,其理论出力分别占全国总量的6 % 和39 .6 % 。长江的水能资源集中在四川,仅四川省的技术可开发装机容量达10 345 .96 万kW ,约占全国30 % 。但是由于水资源季节不均衡性和地域条件造成的调节性能的限制,严重影响了四川水电的开发。黄河上游虽可建高坝大库,但由于水资源的匮乏,库容闲置,夏季勉强发电,枯期则出现了越来越严重的黄河断流状况。因此,实现两大水系水资源在时间和空间上的优化配置和利用,是涉及两大流域经济发展的重大问题,对全国的可持续发展也有重大而深远的影响。仅从南北联网,以“电”代水,促进四川水电开发和缓解黄河断流提出建议。
The Yangtze river is abundant in water,with a mean annual runoff of 960 billion m\+3 into the sea,while the Yellow river is deficient in water.Annual runoff of upper Yangtze river reaches 400 billion m\+3,8 times of 50 billion m\+3—annual runoff of the Yellow river.The Yellow river and the Yangtze river possess abundant water power resources,respectively reaching 6% and 39.6% of total theoretical water power in China.Water power resources of the Yangtze river mainly concentrate in Shichuan province,with 103.46 million kW of technically available installed capacity,about 30% of the total capacity in China.Due to seasonal unbalance of water resources and geographical limitation to regulation function,the development of water power resources in Shichuan province is affected seriously.Although high dams and large reservoirs can be constructed in upper reach of the Yellow river,the deficiency of water resources would cause the reservoir capacity unable to be fully utilized.The existing power plants operate with difficulty even in summer,while in dry season,“flow break off” in downstream of the Yellow river becomes more and more serious.Therefore,the realization of optimal arrangement and utilization of water resources for the two river systems in time and space is important to the economic development in the two large river basins and has important and deep influence on the national sustainable development as well.This paper puts forward some suggestions about the connection of south and north networks,substituting “electricity” for water,to promote hydraulic power development in Shichuan province and alleviate “flow break off” situation of the Yellow river.
1999年第12期45-47, ,共3页
Yangtze River
Water resources utilization Optimizing regulation Market ecnomical system Upper Course of Yangtze River Upper Course of Yellow River