
VEGF、PCNA、P21、P53在翼状胬肉中的表达 被引量:2

Expression of VEGF, PCNA, P21 and P53 in pterygium
摘要 目的研究血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)、P21蛋白和P53蛋白在翼状胬肉中表达的。方法免疫组化法检测50例进行期翼状胬肉标本(翼状胬肉组)和50例正常结膜标本(正常对照组)中VEGF、PCNA、P21蛋白、P53蛋白的染色强度及染色阳性率,以免疫组化评分(IHS)表示免疫组化表达的强弱,对结果进行比较及统计学分析。结果 VEGF IHS数值:翼状胬肉组4.71±1.74,正常对照组1.91±0.71(P=0.001)。PCNA IHS数值:翼状胬肉组6.24±1.32,正常对照组2.11±0.83(P=0.001)。P53蛋白IHS数值:翼状胬肉组5.21±1.02,正常对照组2.01±0.63(P=0.001)。P21蛋白IHS数值:翼状胬肉组2.14±0.72,正常对照组6.01±1.11(P=0.001)。结论 VEGF、PCNA、P21蛋白和P53蛋白均在翼状胬肉中有异常表达,VEGF、PCNA和P53蛋白为高表达,P21为低表达。 OBJECTIVE To study the expression and correlation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Protein 21 (P21 ) and Protein 53 (P53 ) in pterygium. METHODS Detected the expression of VEGF, PCNA, P21 and P53 staining intensity and positive staining rate in 50 cases of pteryginm specimens (pterygium group) and 50 cases of normal conjunctival specimens (normal group) by im- munohistochemical methods. RESULTS The numerical comparison of two groups of VEGF IHS, pterygium group IHS positive expression was 4.71± 1.74, normal group IHS positive expression was 1.91± 0.71, p-value was 0.001 (P〈 0.05); The numerical comparison of two groups of PCNA IHS, pterygium group IHS positive expression was 6.24± 1.32, normal group IHS positive expression was2.11±0.83,p-value was 0.001 (P〈0.05); The numerical comparison of two groups of P53 IHS, pterygium group IHS was 0.001 (P〈0.05); the numerical comparison of two groups of P21 IHS, pterygium group IHS positive expression was 2.14±0.72, normal group IHS positive expression was 6.01±1.11, p-value was 0.001 (P〈0.05); the differences were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS The expression of VEGF, PCNA, P21 and P53 was abnormal in pterygium. VEGF, PCNA and P53 were highly expressed in pterygium, while P21 expression in pterygium was low.
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2013年第6期407-410,共4页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
关键词 翼状胬肉 免疫组化 VEGF PCNA P21 P53 pterygium immunohistochemistry vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) Protein 21 (P21) Protein 53 (P53)
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