
遗传与环境对儿童青少年情绪与行为问题的影响 被引量:7

Genetic and environmental influences on emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents.
摘要 目的:双生子法定量探索遗传与环境对儿童青少年情绪与行为问题的影响。方法用父母版长处与困难量表(strengths and difficulties questionnaire,SDQ)评定156对6~18岁双生子的情绪与行为问题。采集颊粘膜、静脉血标本提取DNA,进行卵型鉴定。运用结构方程模型(structural equation modeling,SEM)分析遗传与环境因素对情绪与行为问题的影响。结果情绪症状受共享环境和特殊环境的影响,两者对情绪症状总变异方差的贡献分别为0.42和0.58;亲社会行为主要受共享环境的影响,共享环境在亲社会行为总变异方差中占0.89;遗传对多动/注意缺陷的影响较大,在总变异方差中占0.62;共享环境对品行障碍的影响较大,在总变异方差中占0.56;遗传、共享环境、特殊环境对同伴问题都有影响,在总变异方差中分别占0.24、0.33和0.43。结论在儿童青少年时期,情绪症状仅受环境影响,而行为问题受遗传与环境的共同影响,不同的行为问题受遗传和环境的影响不同。 Objective To explore the influence of genetic and environmental factors on emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents using twins quantitative method. Methods One hundred fifty-six twins pairs, aged from 6 to 18, were included in the present study. The parental version of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)was used to evaluate their emotional and behavioral problems. The DNA test of twin zygosity was conducted using DNA extracted from buccal mucosa or venous blood samples. The influence of genetic and environmental factors on emo-tional and behavioral problems was analyzed using structural equation modeling(SEM). Results Shared environment and special environment had impact on emotional symptoms and their contribution to the total variance of emotional symp- tom was 0.42 and 0.58, respectively. Prosocial behavior was mainly affected by shared environment and the contribution of shared environment to the total variance of prosocial behavior was 0.89. Genetic factors had greater influence on hyperac-tivity/attention deficit and the contribution of genetic factors to the total variance was 0.62. Shared environment had more influence on conduct disorder and the contribution of shared environment to total variance was 0.56. Heredity, shared envi-ronment and special environment had impact on peer problems and their contribution to the total variance was 0.24, 0.33 and 0.43, respectively. Conclusion In child and adolescent period, emotional symptoms are only affected by environ-ment, while behavior problems are affected by the combination of heredity and environment. Different behavior problems are affected by different genetic and environmental factors.
出处 《中国神经精神疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期739-743,共5页 Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:81101025)
关键词 遗传度 双生子 结构方程模型 情绪与行为问题 Twins Heritability Structural equation modeling Emotional and behavioral problems
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