以大块煤为实验煤样 ,实验研究了大块煤瓦斯放散特性。并对同样实验条件下的煤粒瓦斯放散进行了对比研究。分析得出煤层甲烷排放解吸、扩散和渗流三个阶段中 ,影响煤层产气率的主要因素。指出低渗透无烟煤煤层气产气速率主要受裂隙中气体流动的限制。增加裂隙度 。
Taking block coal as experimental coal sample,gas emission characteristics of block coal was tested and studied.Under the same experimental conditions,contrast analysis of the characteristics of gas emission of coal particles was done.According to the experiment,of the three stages such as desorption,diffusion and seepage in gas flow,the main factor which effected the gas producing speed in the coal seams is got.The gas producing speed of super lower permeability Anthracite seams is mainly confined by gas flow in the fractures.The key segment to develop and utilize coalbed methane in the super lower permeability Anthracite seams is to increase fracture quantity and enhance permeability.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology