
超高层建筑幕墙施工过程分析 被引量:4

Research on the Curtain Wall Construction Process of Super Tall Buildings
摘要 传统的幕墙结构设计,往往忽略施工过程对其安全性的影响,这种近似的分析方法会与实际情况有较大差异,结果不可信。尤其对于超高层建筑,其施工过程中力学变化复杂,对幕墙整体安全性的影响具有一定未知性,需要深入分析。针对此问题,结合刚度迁移法对上海中心大厦幕墙施工过程进行研究,重点分析了典型分区幕墙支撑结构应力及吊杆变形在施工中的变化;利用显式有限元方法分析了伸臂桁架的合拢次序,保证了幕墙施工的安全性。结果表明:幕墙支撑结构应力在各施工阶段存在差异,幕墙玻璃施工结束后,应力达到最大值,后续施工中,应力逐渐减小;吊杆最大竖向变形量出现在本区幕墙玻璃施工中;为保证幕墙施工的安全性,应合理安排伸臂桁架的合拢次序及时间。 In the traditional design of curtain wall, engineers often ignore the effect of construc- tion process on the safety of the curtain wall. The results of this approximate analysis method is quite different from the actual situation. The results are not credible. Especially for the high-rise buildings, the mechanical changes are complex during the construction. Its impact on the overall security of the curtain wall is unknown, so deep study is required in this field. To solve this problem, the curtain wall construction process of Shanghai Center Tower is analyzed by stiffness transferring method in this paper. The change of supporting structure stress and the sag rod de- formation of the representative partition curtain wall in the construction is analyzed intensively. The safety of curtain wall construction was guaranteed by the analysis of lock-in sequence of the outriggers with explicit finite element method. The results shows that the supporting structure stress of the curtain wall is not alike in different construction stages, after the construction of the local curtain wall glass it reaches maximum and in the following stages its value falls down. The maximum vertical deformation of the sag rods exists after the construction of the glass. To en- sure the safety of the curtain wall construction the outriggers should be lock-in according to a rea- sonable arrangement with proper time and order.
出处 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期730-735,共6页 Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering
基金 上海交通大学机械系统与振动国家重点实验室项目(MSVMS 201107) 国家自然科学基金项目(11072150、61073088) 国家863重大项目课题(2012AA01AA307)资助
关键词 超高层建筑 幕墙施工 刚度迁移法 显式有限元 伸臂桁架 super tall buildings curtain wall construction stiffness transferring method explicitfinite element method outriggers
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