目的 探讨2007年5月~ 2011年4月鄂州市气传致敏真菌和支气管哮喘关系,以了解该地区支气管哮喘情况.方法 运用暴片调查法和暴皿调查法统计和记录鄂州市气传致敏真菌的种类及数量.选择该时期内鄂州市100例支气管哮喘患者采用真菌变应原浸液作过敏原皮试发现有35例患者皮内试验阳性,将35例发作期患者和40例稳定期支气管哮喘患者行曲霉特异性IgE测定.结果 100例支气管哮喘患者皮内实验组阳性35例,阳性率为35%,而在35例患者中IgE阳性有31例,检测符合率为88.58%,稳定期患者中阳性反应例数2例,阳性率为5%,两组阳性率比较差异具有显著性(P<0.05).结论 鄂州市气传致敏真菌和支气管哮喘密切相关,主要致病菌为曲霉,是支气管哮喘的致敏原之一,需要注意环境卫生以减少气传致敏真菌的数量.
Objective To discuss the relationship betweenin airborne fungi and bronchial asthma from May 2007 to April 2011 in Ezhou,in order to understand the bronchial asthma in this area.Methods Using survey mathods of sheet glass and culture plate of exposure determination to count the species and quantity of airborne fungi in Ezhou.Fungi allergen skin test was performed on 100 cases which were diagnosed bronchial asthma and find out that 35 patients showed positive results on the intradermal skin test,Serum specific IgE was given to 35 patientsahd 40 healthy people.Results 35 cases showed positive result in 100 cases of bronchial asthma patients in Intradermal group,The positive rate was 35%,while 31 cases showed positive in specific IgE assay,coincidence of detection rate was 88.58%,there were 2 cases showed positive reaction in healthy people,the positive rate was 5%,The difference in positive rate between the two groups was significant (P < 0.05).Conclusion airborne fungi is closely related to bronchial asthma,and it is one of sensitinogen to cause bronchial asthma.And also need to pay attention to environmental health to reduce the number of airborne fungi.
Chinese Journal of Mycology