首次提出烧结矿、铁矿石及球团矿中两价铁的 X射线衍射复相净强度测试法及其计算普适式。与经典的化学分析方法相比 ,提高了分析速度 ,获得更高的重现性 ,克服了变价元素对两价铁测试的干扰 ,使测试结果更准确。与 X射线衍射单相强度测试法相比 ,适用更广泛 ,即使 Fe3O4相以外的其他两价铁物相含量变化时 ,仍然可以给出准确的分析结果。本方法还可以测定 Fe3O4相及 Fe2 O3相的含量 ,提供与两价铁相关物相的晶体结构及结晶学参数。为烧结过程的在线分析 ,炼铁生产的质量监控 ,及时提供重要数据。
In this paper the X ray diffraction multiphase method and the general calculation formula for determination of ferrous iron content in sinter, iron ore and pellet has been described Compared with wet chemical method the new developed method has higher speed, precision and less interference by other ferrous compounds, so it has better accuracy The new method is more applicable as compared with method of single phase even the concentration of other ferrous iron phases except Fe 3O 4 phase is changed The method is able to determine the concentration of Fe 3O 4 and Fe 2O 3 phase, crystal structure and crystallographic parameters simultaneously, which are important for online process control of sintering
Iron and Steel