
评分人培训的研究现状及展望 被引量:5

Rater Training in Language Assessment: Present and Future
摘要 评分人培训是保证做事测试分数信、效度的重要方法,一直是国际语言测试界关注的重点。本文首先从理论框架、培训方法和培训效果等方面对评分人培训研究的现状进行了回顾,然后指出了当前研究中的两个问题:培训过程及内容不清楚,培训产生作用的机制不明确。最后,文章就下一步的研究进行了展望,希望能引起我国语言测试工作者对评分人培训的重视。 Rater training is generally viewed as a crucial method to ensure reliability and validity of the given score in the performance assessment, which has attracted public attention from a number of researchers in the international language testing circle. This article first reviews rater training studies in term of theoretical framework, training methods and training effects. Then it points out two under-researched issues: the vagueness of content and procedure of rater training, and the unknown nature of rater training mechanism.Finally, suggestions for future research are discussed. It is hoped that rater training will receive more attention from researchers at home.
作者 徐鹰 曾用强
出处 《中国考试》 2014年第2期10-18,共9页 journal of China Examinations
关键词 做事测试 评分人培训 培训效果 Performance Assessment Rater Training Training Effects
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