
沙冬青总生物碱体外抗牛副流感病毒3型的试验研究 被引量:3

Study on the total alkaloids from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus against bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 in vitro
摘要 采用沙冬青总生物碱对MDBK细胞的4种作用方式,观察牛副流感病毒3型(BPIV3)引起的细胞毒性效应,并通过MTT检测细胞活性,计算病毒抑制率、半数毒性浓度(TC50)、半数抑制浓度(IC50)和治疗指数(TI)等,以检测沙冬青总生物碱体外抗BPIV3的活性。结果显示,沙冬青总生物碱的安全质量浓度为0.31mg/mL,TC50=2.19mg/mL,病毒半数细胞感染量(TCID50)=10-7.733/0.1mL。采用直接作用方式给药时IC50=0.25mg/mL,最高病毒抑制率为66.15%,TI为8.76。采用抑制作用方式给药时IC50=0.203mg/mL,最高病毒抑制率为52.91%,TI为10.79。采用阻断作用方式给药时IC50=0.16mg/mL,最高病毒抑制率为63.38%,TI为13.69。综合作用方式给药时IC50=0.085mg/mL,最高病毒抑制率为86.49%,TI为25.76。结果表明,沙冬青总生物碱具有较强的体外抗牛副流感病毒3型的作用。 Through four administration routes of the total alkaloids from Ammopiptanthus mongolica to bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (BPIV3),CPE of MDBK cells induced by BPIV 3 were observed, and D420nm and D49znm values were assayed according to MTT. Meanwhile,TC50 ,IC50 and TI were calculated. In result,the safety concentration of the total alkaloids from A. mongolicus was 0.31 mg/mL,TC50 was 2.19 mg/mL,and BPIV3 TCID50 was 10-7733/0. 1 mL. In the administration of direct action, IC50 was 0. 25 mg/mL,the maximum inhibition ratio was 66.15% and TI was 8.76. In the administration of inhibition on virus proliferation,IC50 was 0. 203 mg/mL,the maximum inhibition ratio was 52.91% and TI was 10.79. Meanwhile,IC50 was 0.16 mg/mL,the maximum inhibition ratio was 63.38% and TI was 13.69 in the ad-ministration of prevention effect on virus adsorption. In the comprehensive administration, ICso was 0. 085 mg/mL,the maximum inhibition ratio was 86.4,9% and TI was 25.76. These results indicated that the total alkaloids from A. mongolicus had obviously effect against BPIV3 in vitro.
出处 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期211-216,共6页 Chinese Veterinary Science
基金 兰州市科技规划项目(2010-1-158)
关键词 沙冬青总生物碱 抗病毒作用 牛副流感病毒3型 体外试验 total alkaloids from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus antiviral effect bovine parainfluenza vi-rus type 3 in vitro
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