今天美国财产法中许多名词术语可追溯到英国的封建时代。其中,表示个人对土地拥有绝对所有权的一个基本术语fee simple,就来自早年英国的土地分封制度,还有许多来自不同年代的术语。尽管这些术语沿用至今,但其内容却随着历史的发展发生了根本的变化。本文从不同角度对这些术语的释义、历史沿革、司法解释、权益范围、权益分类等方面进行了探讨。
Many terms in American Property Law today can find their origins in the feudal times of the U. K. For example, the term fee simple stating a person' s absolute ownership of the land stems from the early British land system of enfeoffment. Although these terms are still in use, they may have undergone radical changes over the years. This article discusses these terms in respect of their judicial interpretations, etymology, application and categorization.
Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal