
生长分化因子5调控细胞分化机制研究新进展 被引量:3

Research Progress in Mechanism of Growth Differentiation Factor-5 Regulation on Cell Differentiation
摘要 生长分化因子5(GDF-5)属于转化生长因子β超家族,成熟的GDF-5含120个氨基酸残基,通过Smads介导和非Smads介导两种方式诱导目的基因,调控机体的骨骼、软骨等组织的生长发育和修复。近年来,又有研究发现GDF-5能够作用于脂肪来源的间充质干细胞,使其分化成骨、软骨、肌腱。此外,GDF-5在神经系统保护、心脏组织修复等方面的应用前景也越来越受到重视。 Growth differentiation factor-5 ( GDF-5 ) belongs to TGF-I3 superfamily. Mature GDF-5, a 120- amino-acid segment, can regulate the growth and repair of the bones, cartilages, and other tissue by inducing target genc with or without Smads. Recently, studies found the effects of GDF-5 on promoting adipose-derived mesenehymal stem cells into bones, cartilages, and tendons. Moreover, recent findings revealed GDF-5' s prospective protection on nerve system and heart tissue healing.
出处 《医学综述》 2014年第2期199-202,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 国家自然科学基金(81270929)
关键词 生长分化因子5 软骨 细胞分化 Growth differentiation factor-5 Cartilage Cell differentiation
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