
神经电生理监测在脊柱畸形矫形术中的应用进展 被引量:1

Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring Application in Spinal Deformity Orthopaedic Surgery
摘要 脊柱畸形矫形术中,由于内固定器械置入、椎体切除、内固定矫形等因素可能导致脊髓功能的损伤。术中神经电生理监测(IONM)可以及时发现手术中的不当操作和可能出现的损伤并及早进行纠正和补救,因而可有效地降低脊柱畸形矫形术中脊髓功能的损伤。术中神经监测技术经过几十年的发展,由传统的唤醒方法发展到今天比较完善的诱发电位监护技术。该文就神经监测技术的发展及其在脊柱畸形矫形术中的应用予以综述,并介绍近年来IONM领域研究的新进展。 During orthopedic spinal deformity surgery, internal fixation, vertebral body resection and internal fixation of orthopedic and other factors may cause damage to the spinal cord function. Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (IONM) application can discover the inappropriate operation and possible injury to give early correction and remedy ,thus reduce the spinal damage during the surgery. After decades of development, neurophysiological monitoring has developed from the conventional waking to the relatively perfect evoked potential monitoring technology. Here is to make a review of the neurnphysilogial monitoring development and its application in orthopedic spinal deformity surgery, and give an introduction about IONM recent progresses.
出处 《医学综述》 2014年第2期274-276,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 脊柱畸形 矫形术 诱发电位监测 手术中监测 Spinal deformities Orthopedics Evoked potential monitoring Intraoperative monitoring
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