九年制义务教育初中语文教学大纲和现行初中语文课本的课文前规定的训练重点 ,明确了阅读教学的内容是语言 ,再用“语言与言语”、“语境”、“语言与思维”等语言学研究的新理论、新认识阐述了如何学好语言 ,提高阅读教学效率的问题。
The language training points set out in the prevailing Chinese textbllks of secondary schools make clear that the main aim of the comprehensive teaching is to master the language. The writer, with the help of 'langue and parole', 'context'and 'languae and thought', explains how to learn a langwage well and improve the teaching of the reading subject.
Journal of Yunyang Teachers College