本文对素质教育及其目标作了论述 ,指出高等学校实施素质教育 ,必须从传统教育的禁锢中摆脱出来 ,结合社会经济发展和高等教育可持续发展的需要 ,采取切实可行的措施。主要包括几个方面 :端正教育思想 ,转变教育观念 ;加大教学工作改革的力度 ;进一步充分重视思想道德素质和非专业素质的培养 ;不断提高教育者自身素质 ;
This paper makes a probe into liberal education and its targets. According to the paper,in the course of practising liberal education, colleges or uiversities must free themselves from the traditional education system and combine with social economic development and substainable developments of higher education, thus adopting five feasible measures:changing the concept of education, intensifying educational reform, focusing on moral and non-speciality qualities cultivation, steadily improving the quality of educators, and rationally constructing a scientific system of educational assessment.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
贵州大学 1999年社会科学规划项目