“素质”对应着根本的、稳定的、普遍的行为方式、作用方式。素质教育的实质是养成某种根本的、稳定的、普遍的行为方式。“文化”、“文明”的核心意义是“有所讲究” ,主要是讲究行为规范、行为方式。文化素质教育就是养成讲究相应的行为规范的能力与习惯。狭义的“人文”就是讲究做人、讲究人之为人的规范。人文素质教育就是使受教育者惯于并善于讲究相应的超越性思考。上述教育所涉及的价值判断、价值取向大体上都可以从“自身的完善程度” ,“相应角色的要求” ,以及“所可能产生的影响”三个角度来考虑。
Essential qualities of a person or thing correspond to his or its basic, abiding, and universal modes of behavior or action. The essence of the quality education of a person consists in the development of some basic, abiding, and universal modes of behavior or action. The central meaning of culture and civilization is ‘ritual some pre doing’, especially the pre doing with the norm or mode of behavior. The education in essential cultural qualities is to develop the ability and custom of pre doing with the norm of behavior. 'Humanity' in a narrow sense means ritual some pre doing with the behavior as human behavior, or ritual some pre doing with the norm of human being as human being. The quality education pertaining to humanity is to make the education used to and good at the ritual some pre doing with the transcendental thinking. The value judgment and value preference relating to the aforesaid education can be dealt with in three dirmensions: the level of perfection, the demands of corresponding roles and the possible effects.
Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences