从哲学史上看 ,马克思主义哲学之所以能够造成一种革命性变革 ,关键就在于 ,它以科学的实践观为基础正确地解答了人与自然以及人与社会的关系问题 ;从理论体系上看 ,实践的观点是马克思主义哲学首要的基本的观点 ,实践观点的作用和意义是全方位的。依据这一基本原则 ,《马克思主义哲学原理》(示范教材 )确立的中心线索就是 ,马克思主义哲学是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义 ,而实践的观点是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义首要的基本的观点。作为马克思主义哲学的一种解释系统 ,《马克思主义哲学原理》(示范教材 )力图设计一种既依据马克思主义哲学的科学体系 ,又符合认知心理学和教育心理学规律的马克思主义哲学教学体系 ,重在人生观教育 ,重在阐述马克思主义哲学的基本观点 ,并从四个方面重新理解马克思主义哲学的基本观点 ,即用当代科学的新成果阐述基本观点 ;深入挖掘以往教科书所忽视的基本观点 ;深入探讨、系统阐述马克思、恩格斯有所论述但又未详尽展开 ,同时又成为当代“热点”问题的观点 ,使之上升为基本观点 ;随着学科分化 ,像阶级、国家、革命这样一些观点已成为其他学科的基本观点 ,而不是马克思主义哲学的基本观点了。
Judging by the philosophy history, the reason that Marxist philosophy can make a revolutionary change is that it accurately answers the question about human and nature, human and society with scientific viewpoint of practice. On the basis of theoretical system, the viewpiont of practice is the chief and fundamental standpoint of Marxist principle, the clue of 'the Tenets of Marxist Philosophy'(exemplary textbook) is that Marxist philosophy is dialectical materialism and historical materialism, its chief and fundamental standpoint is the viewpoint of practice. As an explanatory system, “the Tenets of Marxist Philosophy”(exemplary textbook)try hard to follow the scientific system of Marxist philosophy and conform to cognitive psychology and educational psychology. It lay stress on outlook of life, expounding and re_elucidating the viewpoint of Marxist philosophy. This include:elaborating the fundamental standpoint with modern scientific knowledge; deeply probing into the viewpoint that Marx and Engels have explored and awaited further discussion, which is the popular question at the moment and should be promotedas a fundamental viewpoint; along with subjects' breaking up, such notions as classes, nation and revolution having changed into other subjects and not been the fundamental standpoint of Marxist philosophy.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)