行政立法本位主义作为最主要的白色腐败形式 ,因其技术性、复杂性与“合法性”诸多特征 ,一直为法学界所忽视。填补当今中国这一大的法治漏洞 ,从机构设置、税费体制、立法程序、监督程序与司法审查制度等方面探讨行政立法本位主义的成因 ,并针对性地提出防治对策 。
As an essential form of white corruption,departmentalism of administrative legislation has always been neglected in the field of law,owing to its complexity and its technological and legal character.This is the biggest loophole in the law.Departmentalism of administrative legislation originates from improper administrative organization,tax system,legislative procedures,supervision procedures and judicial review system.If all those been avoided,it is very important for administrative legislation.
Journal of Changde Teachers University(Social Science Edition)