为了探索不同耕作方式对冀西北栗钙土农田土壤物理性状及莜麦生长的影响,以河北省张北县10 a栗钙土长期定位试验莜麦田为研究对象,研究了免耕、松耕和翻耕对莜麦田土壤容重、土壤含水率、土壤硬度及莜麦生长的影响。结果表明:松耕和翻耕可以显著降低莜麦播种期到拔节期土壤容重,播种期免耕土壤容重1.49 g/cm3,松耕和翻耕分别为1.31和1.30g/cm3;不同耕作方式对土壤含水率影响不大;免耕显著提高土壤硬度,拔节期免耕土壤硬度58.51kg/cm2,为松耕1.74倍(P<0.05),为翻耕2.53倍(P<0.01);栗钙土土壤硬度与土壤容重、土壤含水率关系模型表明高土壤容重条件下土壤硬度对土壤含水率更敏感,低土壤含水率条件下土壤硬度对土壤容重更敏感;免耕莜麦株高和叶面积生长受到抑制,穗数和穗粒数显著降低,经济产量413.79 kg/hm2,分别为松耕和翻耕的62.27%和51.64%。栗钙土莜麦田免耕与松耕、翻耕相比土壤容重大,土壤硬度高,莜麦产量显著降低;3种耕作方式中,松耕是兼顾生态与经济效益的耕作措施。
Taking a ten-year naked oats field experiment site in Zhangbei county of Hebei province as the test object, this paper studied the effects of different tillage modes (no tillage, subsoiling tillage, and conventional tillage) on the soil physical characteristics and naked oats growth in chestnut soil. The no tillage treatment soil was undisturbed from last year's harvesting to sowing, with 15-22 cm stubbles; broad-spectrum herbicide was used in soil treatment before planting and sprayed in seedling. The subsoiling tillage treatment plowed the soil after the previous year's harvest, used the self-developed 'Parallel rod without wall subsoiling plow' (Patent No.: 2011202468728) with a plowed depth of 15-22 cm, and was sowed and fertilized in the same manner as the no tillage treatment. The conventional tillage treatment plowed with a conventional spade plow after the previous year's harvest, with a plowed depth of about 18 cm; this treatment was also rotary tilled to a depth of 10 cm before sowing and sowed with ordinary seeder. The sowing rate and fertilization were the same as the no tillage treatment. The results showed that the subsoiling tillage and conventional tillage can significantly reduce the soil bulk density from the sowing to jointing stage; in the sowing stage, no-tillage soil bulk density was 1.49 g/cm3, subsoiling tillage and conventional tillage bulk densities were 1.31 and 1.30 g/cm3, respectively. The impact of tillage methods was similar on soil water content. No tillage significantly increased soil hardness. In the jointing stage, no tillage soil hardness was 58.51 kg/cm2, 1.74 times higher than with subsoiling tillage, and 2.53 times higher than with conventional tillage. The test data were analyzed with SAS software, and a model representing the relationship among soil hardness, soil bulk density, and soil water content was proposed. The model showed that under the condition of high soil bulk density (1.53 g/cm3), soil hardness is more sensitive to soil water content, decreasing with soil water content (3.44%-11.94%) from 79.06 kg/cm2 to 28.06 kg/cm2. Under the condition of low soil water content (3.44%), soil hardness is more sensitive to soil bulk density, rising with soil bulk density (1.23-1.53 g/cm3) from 12.46 kg/cm2 to 79.06 kg/cm2. No tillage decreased naked oats' height and leaf area index, and grain number per ear and ears per hectare were significantly reduced, with 413.79 kg/hm2 economic yield, 62.27% and 51.64% of the economic yields of subsoiling tillage and conventional tillage, respectively. Compared with subsoiling tillage and conventional tillage, no tillage was higher in soil bulk density, higher in soil hardness, and significantly reduced in the yield of naked oats. Among the three kinds of tillage, subsoiling tillage provides both ecological and economic benefits.
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
water content
tillage patterns
bulk density
naked oats
chestnut soil