
儿童七价肺炎球菌结合疫苗接种情况分析 被引量:5

An Analysis on Coverage Rate of 7-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination among Children in Ningbo
摘要 目的了解宁波市儿童自使用七价肺炎球菌结合疫苗(PCV7)以来的接种情况。方法通过"宁波市计划免疫管理信息系统"查找2008—2011年出生的所有儿童,从中筛选出接种过PCV7的儿童,对接种情况进行统计分析。结果 376 345名儿童中5 935人接种过PCV7,接种率为1.58%。PCV7接种存在地区差异,城镇儿童接种率2.67%及全程接种率2.11%均高于农村儿童0.62%和0.52%(P<0.01)。男童接种率1.74%及全程接种率1.40%均高于女童1.41%和1.13%(P<0.01)。常住儿童接种率2.62%及全程接种率2.19%均高于流动儿童0.92%和0.68%(P<0.01)。不同出生年份儿童的PCV7接种率及全程接种率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。不同出生年份儿童首针PCV7接种时间和接种方式明显不同,出生年份越晚,首针接种年龄越小,接种针次越多。结论宁波市儿童PCV7接种率较低,且全程接种率不高,应加强疫苗接种的宣传力度,进一步推广疫苗的使用。 Objective To know the coverage rate of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination (PCV7)among children in Ningbo.Methods Children born from 2008 to 201 1 were collected through information management system of expanded program on immunization (EPI)in Ningbo.Those who had been inoculated against PCV7 were selected and their coverage rate was analyzed.Results A total of 5 935 among 376 345 children had been inoculated against PCV7 and the coverage rate was 1.58%.The rates of first-dose vaccination(2.67%)and whole course vaccination (2.1 1%)of urban children were significantly higher than those in rural area (0.62% and 0.52%,P&lt;0.05 ).The rates of males (1.74% and 1.40%)were significantly higher than those of females (1.41%and 1.1 3%,P&lt;0.01 ),the rates of locals (2.62%and 2.1 9%)were significantly higher than those of migrants (0.92% and 0.68%,P &lt;0.01 ).There were statistical differences among the rates of different birth years (P&lt;0.01 ).The inoculation time and inoculation methods of first needle were obviously different among children with different birth years.Children with later born time had earlier first needle and more inoculation times.Conclusion The rates of coverage and whole course vaccination of PCV7 in Ningbo are low. Immunization propaganda should be strengthened to improve the coverage rate of PCV7.
出处 《浙江预防医学》 2014年第2期146-149,共4页 Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 中华预防医学会"七价肺炎球菌结合疫苗预防效果研究"(20120001) 宁波市重点科技创新团队计划资助(2012B82018)
关键词 儿童 肺炎球菌 疫苗 接种率 Children Pneumococcal Vaccination Coverage rate
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