

Evaluation of martensite contents in double phase steels: an energy minimization method
摘要 基于磁场的在线控制方法被认为是一种对材料微观结构变化进行监控的无损检测方法。这种方法对双相钢中马氏体相和铁素体相进行磁-机械耦合建模,其目的是建立材料宏观行为与微观特性之间的联系。基于能量最小化原理,提出了描述磁-机械行为的快速评估方法。仿真结果显示了双相钢中马氏体含量对其磁化强度和磁致伸缩的影响。结果表明马氏体含量越高的双相钢其磁致伸缩和磁化强度越小,因此越难于被磁化。该方法可以帮助我们理解马氏体含量对双相钢的磁化行为和磁致伸缩行为的影响。 Online control by magnetic method is considered as a nondestructive evaluation approach to detection of microstructure variation. Magnetic model used for each phase is based on a magneto-mechanical coupling model, which aims to build a relationship between macroscopic behavior and martensite content of DP steel. A fast estimation method is proposed to descript the magneto-mechanical behavior based on a minimization of the potential energy. Based on the model, a set of simulation is carried out which indicates that higher martensite content results in lower magnetization and magnetostrictive strain, thus it is more difficult to be magnetized for the DP steels with higher martensite contents. This kind of strategy could help us understand the effect of martensite contents on the magnetic behavior.
作者 王兴君 黄莺
出处 《磁性材料及器件》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第1期18-20,52,共4页 Journal of Magnetic Materials and Devices
基金 贵州省教育厅自然科学研究重点项目基金资助项目(KY[2012]066)
关键词 双相钢 马氏体含量 磁-机械行为 磁化强度 磁致伸缩 DP steels martensite contents magneto-mechanical behavior magnetization magnetostriction
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