
联合国《武器贸易条约》及其对中国的影响 被引量:4

The U. N. Arms Trade Treaty and Its Impact on China
摘要 联合国大会通过的《武器贸易条约》是国际社会首个关于常规武器贸易的国际条约,也是近年多边军控领域颇具代表性的大事。英、法、德等欧盟大国在欧盟机构的全力支持下,积极推动条约谈判与通过。在全球金融危机和欧债危机的国际背景下,欧、美、中等各方力量围绕该条约历经激烈磋商与妥协,以实现自身利益与价值诉求。该约有助于促进中欧军售议题的机制创新与内容突破,稳定双方安全合作关系。如未来能继续保持相关议题的协商与互鉴,该约将有可能成为中国与欧美发展务实安全合作的重要助推器之一。 The Arms Trade Treaty passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations is the first international treaty of the international community attempting to regulate international conventional weapons trade as well as a great event of the multilateral arms control efforts in recent years. With the full support of the EU institutions,major EU members such as the UK,France and Germany,have made active efforts in pushing forward the talks and passage of the treaty. In the context of the global financial crisis and European sovereign debt crisis,various players,e. g. the EU,the U. S. and China,have negotiated and compromised to pursue their own interests or values. The Treaty is conducive to promoting institutional innovation,making breakthrough on China- EU arms trade issue and stabilizing the bilateral relations on security coordination. Should the negotiations and mutual learning over the issue be continued,the Treaty could become one of the important motivators for the pragmatic security coordination between China and the western countries.
作者 李维维 曹慧
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期37-44,63-64,共8页
关键词 《武器贸易条约》 大国协调 欧美关系 中欧军售 国际军控 Arms Trade Treaty coordination between the great powers EU-U.S.relations China-EU arms trade international arms control
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