

Gradational Hole Filling Based on Block in Virtual View Rendering
摘要 空洞填充技术是基于深度图像绘制(Depth Image Based Rendering,DIBR)的一种非常重要的后期处理技术,针对单路彩色加深度3D视频系统,提出了一种基于块的分级空洞填充技术,该技术首先将含有空洞的目标图像中的空洞区域分成两个等级,等级一为小空洞区域,等级二为大空洞区域。然后对两个等级的空洞分别进行处理,对于等级一区域的空洞直接利用块的均值来填充空洞;对于等级二区域的空洞,先在空洞区域的边缘产生一个含有空洞的块,然后搜索周围与之最匹配的块来填充当前块中的空洞。实验结果显示,相较于传统的邻域和仅仅使用块均值填充,分级空洞算法较好地改善了填充后图像的主观质量,且其客观性能也有一定的提升。 The technology of hole filling is an important post-processing in the Depth Image Based Rendering technology. This paper proposed a gra-dational hole filling algorithm based on block focus on single color plus depth map system. Firstly, this technology divides the holing areas in the 3D warped image into two levels,which level 1 is holing areas with less holing pixels and level 2 is those have many. Then,it uses different method to deal with the holing with different level. It takes the mean of the block as the holing pixel density if the holing pixel in level 1. What' s more, the holing pixels within level 2 use the boundary holing pixels to produce blocks. Then search the best - match block around the block without hole and fill the boling block with the matching block. Experimental results show that the proposed gradational hole filling algorithm based on block technology provides efficient improvement on the subjective quality of the rendered virtual view as well as the objective quality.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2014年第5期46-49,共4页 Video Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61271212) 上海市科委重点项目(12511502502)
关键词 虚拟视点绘制 空洞填充 基于深度图像绘制 virtual view rendering hole filling DIBR
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