对于空间相关的MIMO-OFDM系统,采用基于导频的信道估计(PACE)。导频符号仅插在所选择的发射天线中发射,并且剩余天线的信道响应通过插值得到。通过采用空间插值的方法,使信道估计扩展到第三维,即3D PACE,它在时域、频域和空域三个维度进行。如果在合适的网格结构下,3D PACE可以在不牺牲信道估计精度的前提下大大减少所需的导频开销。
The pilot aided channel estimation (PACE) for the MIMO-OFDM system with spatial correlation is adopted. The pilots symbol are only in-serted and emitted in the selected transmit antennas, and the channel responses of the remaining antenna are obtained by interpolation. By using spatial interpolation, the channel estimation is extended to the third dimension, called 3D PACE, which conducts in time domain, frequency domain and spatial domain. If appropriately grid is selected, 3D PACE can reduce the pilot overhead without sacrificing the channel estimation accuracy.
Video Engineering