
双时相门冬胰岛素30降低低血糖风险的优势 被引量:4

Superiority of biphasic insulin aspart 30in reducing the risk of hypoglyceamia
摘要 目的低血糖,尤其是重度和夜间低血糖不仅增加不良事件的发生风险,且妨碍降糖治疗。相比于预混人胰岛素30R(BHI30),双时相门冬胰岛素30(BIAsp30)药代动力学特征更好的模拟了生理胰岛素分泌模式。多项临床试验及荟萃分析均证实,BIAsp30在有效控制血糖的同时,还能降低重度和夜间低血糖的发生风险,从而减小低血糖给糖尿病患者带来的危害,实现安全控糖。 Hypoglycemia, especially severe hypoglycemia and nocturnal hypoglycemia increases the risk of multiple diseases, and disturbs the anti-hyperglycemic pharmacotherapies. Compared to biphasic human insulin 30R, the pharmacokinetics of biphasic insulin aspart 30 better mimics the physiological secretion of human insulin. Various clinical trials and meta analysis have demonstrated that biphasic insulin aspart effectively control blood glucose, and also significantly decrease the risk of severe and nocturnal hypoglycemia, therefore reducing the harm of hpoglycemia in people with diabetes. In conclusion, biphasic insulin aspart 30 helps achieving the goal of blood glucose safely and effectively.
作者 苏本利
出处 《中国糖尿病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期190-192,共3页 Chinese Journal of Diabetes
关键词 双时相门冬胰岛素30 糖尿病 低血糖 胰岛素类似物 Biphasic insulin aspart 30 Diabetes Hypoglyceamia Insulin analogue
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