目的脑电的非线性分析是目前脑电研究的一个热点。复杂度比其它非线性参量有其优点。本文探讨了缺氧对脑电信号复杂度的影响。方法建立了一个急性高空缺氧实验模型 ,记录了 4种不同高度条件下从缺氧前到缺氧 30min时的EEG ,分析了其复杂度。结果发现缺氧引起复杂度明显变化。随时间和高度增加 ,一定程度缺氧可使EEG复杂度低于正常。结论EEG复杂度对脑缺氧较为敏感 ,可用于对缺氧程度进行评估 ,有望成为临床诊断的一个指标。
Objective Non linear analysis of EEG signals is important in EEG studies.In this paper,the effects of mild or moderate hypoxia on the complexity of EEG were studied. Method A model for acute altitude hypoxia experiment was presented.EEG before and 30 minutes during four different levels of hypoxia were recorded.The complexities of these EEG signals were analyzed. Result With increase of altitude and time,to a certain extent,the complexity became lower than that under normal condition. Conclusion The complexity of EEG is sensitive to hypoxia,and can be regarded as one of the features classifying the hypoxic EEG and normal EEG.
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering