
一种传输能量固定的数据聚集调度近似算法 被引量:2

Data aggregation scheduling algorithm with uniform power control
摘要 针对现有的基于物理干扰模型的数据聚集调度近似算法具有较高的延时问题,提出了一种改进的传输能量固定的数据聚集调度近似算法。该算法首先根据节点的通信半径构造一个网络通信图,然后在该通信图中构造一棵数据聚集树,使节点根据数据聚集树分层进行数据调度。在数据调度过程中,首先将整个网络划分为若干个圆形区域,然后对各个区域进行着色,最后对颜色相同的区域同时进行节点的数据调度。理论分析表明,该算法的延时上界为(X+1)2(Δ+12R+4)+R。仿真模拟结果表明,该算法产生的数据聚集延时远低于现有算法。 This paper pressented an improved data aggregation scheduling algorithm with uniform power control due to the exi- sting algorithms under the physical interference model had high time latency for data collection in wireless sensor networks. This algorithm formed a new network communication graph according to the communication radius of a node. Next , it construc- ted a data aggregation tree in the communication graph such that all nodes' data could be scheduled layer by layer. During the data aggregation scheduling scheme, it partitioned the deployment plane into circle centered at a dominator firstly. And then it colored these area using different colors. Finally,it selected a node in each area with same color to be scheduled simultaneous- ly. The theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm has a latency bound with ( X + 1 ) 2 ( Δ + 12R + 4 ) + R. Simulation results show that this algorithm has lower average latency than previous works.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期888-891,897,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61170102) 湖南省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目(12C0558) 湖南省重点学科建设项目
关键词 数据聚集 网络延时 物理干扰模型 数据调度算法 通信冲突 信噪比 data aggregation network latency physical interference model data scheduling algorithm communication collision S1NR
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