
美国亚太再平衡战略下的美澳合作 被引量:5

U.S.-Australia Cooperation and U.S.'s Asia Pacific Rebalancing Strategy
摘要 美国基于对当前亚太战略形势的判断提出了再平衡战略。从理论上来看,传统的竞争型权力平衡战略通常只强调物质利益,而合作型权力平衡战略则把理念因素纳入思考的范围,美国的亚太再平衡战略当属于后者,而澳大利亚在这一战略中的地位显得相当重要。文章对美国亚太再平衡战略下的美澳合作进行了讨论与分析,并在此基础上探讨了在这种战略下美澳合作的具体实践,发现不论是"澳新美安全同盟"机制还是"澳美部长级会议"机制均得到了强化。其原因在于,双方的战略思考有很大的相似性,美国看中澳大利亚在亚太的地缘战略价值,澳大利亚也试图借美国的力量进一步巩固自己在亚太的战略地位。不过需要特别指出的是,这种合作并不一定会给该地区造成类似冷战式的安全困境,未来双方关系的动向仍需深入观察。 The U.S.developed its rebalancing strategy basing on its appraisal of the current state of affairs in the Asia Pacific region.Theoretically,traditional competitive power balance strategy emphasizes material interests,while cooperative power balance strategy inserts ideas into the matrix.The U.S.rebalancing strategy towards the Asia Pacific region could be seen as a typical case of the latter.And,Australia's position within the context of this strategy is critical.This article discusses and analyzes U.S.-Australia cooperation within the context of the U.S.rebalancing towards the Asia Pacific region,addressing the practical direction of such cooperation.It finds that both the 'Australian-New American Security Alliance' and the 'Australian-American Ministerial Meeting' have both been strengthened.It is because there exists a remarkable similarity in the strategic logics of both sides.The United States thinks highly of the geo-strategic value of Australia's position in the region and Australia seeks to consolidate its regional position with the help of U.S.power.At the same time,it is necessary to point out that this type of cooperation will not definitely create regional security dilemmas like Cold War.In the future the developing trends of the bilateral relations still need to be further observed.
作者 陈洪桥
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期58-73,156,共16页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
关键词 美国亚太战略 再平衡 美澳同盟 U.S.Asia-Pacific Strategy Rebalancing U.S.-Australia Alliance
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