
冷战后欧美在东亚的战略互动初探 被引量:7

EU-US Strategic Interaction in East Asia after the Cold War
摘要 冷战结束后,特别是进入21世纪以后,中国的崛起及其引发的地缘政治效应使得东亚成为欧美对外政策及双边战略关系中的一个关键地区。双方在该地区的战略互动日益受到关注。尤其是2008年以来,在美国战略重心东移以及欧盟加大介入亚洲事务的背景下,欧美在东亚的互动与协调明显有所加强。随着中国与东亚崛起给西方构成的挑战日益明显,欧美在东亚的互动可能更加重要和迫切。然而,欧美在亚洲战略上的分歧以及欧盟深度介入亚洲事务的能力不足等因素也将继续对双方的互动与合作构成制约。欧美在东亚的战略互动,不仅对冷战后大西洋关系的重建意义重大,而且也将对中美欧关系的发展和21世纪东亚格局与地区秩序的塑造产生重要影响。 After the end of the Cold War,especially in the 21 st Century,China's rise and its geopolitical effects highlighted the role of East Asia in both EU and US foreign policies and in their bilateral relations as well,and as a result,their strategic interactions in this region have attracted more attention.Especially since 2008,with the US shifting its strategic focus eastward and the EU increasing its involvement in Asian affairs,the EU-US interaction and coordination in East Asia has been strengthened significantly,which is likely to become more important and urgent in the future with more obvious challenges the rise of China and East Asia will pose to the West.The EU-US strategic interaction in East Asia is not only significant for the reconstruction of the transatlantic relations after the Cold War,but has a major impact on the development of China-US-EU relations and on the shaping of the pattern and regional order of East Asia in the 21 st Century.
作者 赵怀普
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期53-70,6,共18页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 外交学院"中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"项目 外交学院国际关系国家级重点学科项目"美欧对中国崛起的认知与战略互动研究"的阶段性成果
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